
LAPRAAC’s 2022 Biathlon Series will take place at the Elysian Park Academy and is comprised of a total of 3 Biathlon Competitions. There will be one competition taking place in each of the following: Spring (May 21st), Summer (August 20th), and Fall (October 15th). Competitors are welcome to compete in one, two or all three events. Competing in all three biathlons will qualify them for the series title winner which will be announced at the Athletic Awards Banquet in November.

The Biathlon is a unique competition combining running and marksmanship. Athletes will begin the competition with a 1-mile run, followed by shooting two 6-round magazines from the 25 yd line at a biathlon specific silhouette. They will then repeat the same run/shoot sequence and finish with a final 1-mile run; totaling 3 miles and 24 rounds.

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